Dental Implants Irving

Tooth loss can have long-term oral health and psychological consequences with a big impact on quality of life. Teeth play an important role in helping shape our smile and they allow us to speak clearly and chew food so it’s digestible.

Embarrassment over a gap in your smile can send self-confidence plummeting. Missing teeth also destabilize jaw structure and increase the risk of further tooth loss through gum infection. Fortunately, all these problems can be resolved by replacing missing or failing teeth. Dental implants are now the gold standard in teeth replacement and offer a popular alternative to dentures or bridges.

Dental Concepts & Orthodontics is highly experienced in state-of-the-art dental implant surgery. If you’re missing one or more teeth, you can find out here whether our dental implants in Irving are the best way to reclaim your oral health and your smile and self-regard.

When Dental Implants Are a Good Option

Dental implants only work for people aged at least 18, when the jawbone has fully developed. Most adults who’ve suffered tooth loss are candidates for dental implant treatment, which can replace one tooth, several teeth, or all the teeth.

Implants also provide a solution to replace uncomfortable dentures and teeth that are decayed or otherwise damaged beyond repair. To be suitable for dental implant treatment, you need to be in good general health – healthy enough to have a tooth extracted. Ideally, you also need jawbone strong enough to secure an implant (more on this later). Furthermore, you must be willing to maintain good oral hygiene after implant treatment. If you’re a smoker and want dental implants, now is a good time to kick the habit.

When Dental Implants Might Not Work for You

Some circumstances may raise questions over eligibility for dental implant treatment. Bruxism – habitually grinding or clenching of teeth, particularly as you sleep – could put excessive force on implants, causing long-term damage. If you’re a heavy smoker and unwilling to quit, this can impair your ability to heal after dental implant surgery.

If you’re pregnant, you’ll have to wait until after baby arrives before getting dental implants. Any type of surgery can affect the baby’s development. Taking certain medications – including steroids or drugs that suppress the immune system – may also mean that dental implants aren’t suitable for you.

High-dose radiation treatment to the head or neck is another medical reason why implants might not be a good option. Certain medical conditions may also affect suitability for dental implant treatment.

Medical Conditions That Can Affect Suitability for Dental Implants

Your overall health affects how effective dental implant treatment will be and how well your mouth will heal.

Medical conditions that could mean you’re not suitable for dental implants include:

  • Cancer.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Uncontrolled gum disease.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Connective-tissue disorder.
  • Significant immune deficiencies.
  • Hemophilia, which impedes blood clotting.

A medical condition doesn’t necessarily preclude getting dental implants. It depends on the extent and severity of the disorder. Your Irving dentist may be able to work with you and your physician to improve your general health.

How Dental Implants Replace Teeth

If you’re suitable for dental implants, they can replace a single tooth, several teeth, or all your teeth.

The implant consists of:

  • A titanium rod that’s inserted into jawbone and forms a synthetic tooth root.
  • An abutment that’s placed on the implant screw.
  • A crown that’s attached to the abutment.

When replacing a single tooth, the crown becomes the artificial tooth. When replacing a section of teeth, a dental bridge is secured on implant crowns either side of the gap. When replacing all the upper or lower teeth, a full denture is secured to implants.

The Dental Implant Process

Getting dental implants generally takes several months, including time for healing between procedures. Stages in the process are:

  • Tooth extraction if necessary.
  • Surgical insertion of the implant, generally under local anesthesia.
  • Attaching an abutment to the implant.
  • Attaching an artificial tooth or teeth to the abutment.

Initial healing after implant surgery may take a few days as tenderness and swelling subsides. If you don’t have sufficient healthy jawbone to support an implant, a bone graft may be necessary ahead of implant placement.

Jawbone Grafts to Facilitate Dental Implant Placement

A jawbone graft improves bone volume and density to enable insertion of dental implants. The procedure repairs and rebuilds areas of missing or deficient bone by providing a framework on which natural bone tissue can renew itself. Dental bone grafting by our Irving dentists is typically a relatively minor, minimally invasive surgical procedure. It’s done with local anesthetic and usually takes 45 to 90 minutes.

The procedure entails making a minor incision in the gum to expose underlying bone and facilitate placement of grafting material. The body then absorbs the graft over time and replaces it with new bone. Initial recovery after a jawbone graft usually takes around two weeks. It can take several months for a solid bone mass to form, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Advantages of Dental Implant Treatment

Dental implants look, feel and work like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak and smile with confidence. If dental implants are right for you, you’ll enjoy a range of benefits that standard dentures or bridges can’t offer. Implants are unique in dentistry because they create an artificial tooth root that stimulates the jawbone growth vital to preserve facial structure and appearance.

While dentures and bridges may need replacing over time, dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss. If the artificial tooth attached to the implant becomes damaged, the implant still remains strong and secure, which makes further tooth replacement a simple procedure. Furthermore, implants have a stronger bite force regular than dentures and dental bridges.

Dental Implants Treatment at Dental Concepts

Dental implant treatment has come a long way in a short time, and advances in technology have made implants affordable to a wider range of individuals who’ve lost teeth. To determine whether dental implants in Irving will work for you, Dental Concepts will thoroughly examine your mouth and jaw. We’ll also determine whether there are any health issues that may rule out dental implants or need to be improved ahead of treatment.

Contact us now to schedule a dental implant consultation.